About Triathlon Canada

About Triathlon Prince Edward Island

Triathlon PEI is the provincial sport governing body, dedicated to the growth, development and promotion of triathlon, duathlon, aquathon and winter triathlon in Prince Edward Island. Triathlon PEI is committed to fostering health and wellness through the sport of triathlon (swimming, cycling and running) for all athletes, regardless of skill or age.

One of our key goals is maximizing participation in Triathlon and multisport activities from youth and grass roots to elite levels in Prince Edward Island. We believe this will be an exceptional year as we have numerous development programs, a race series and events for all ages.

What we do

Triathlon PEI helps to build triathlon and multisport activities through:

  1. Sanctioning races to ensure they are designed to be safe and fair for athletes
  2. Obtaining liability insurance for the protection of all athletes, race directors, volunteer and officials at all sanctioned races and activities
  3. Sanctioning clubs
  4. Encouraging growth and development of the sport
  5. Training and certifying officials so that sanctioned races will be conducted in a fair and safe manner
  6. Supporting NCCP coaching training and certification programs so that there are sufficient community and high-performance coaches available in the province
  7. Encouraging athlete development, especially at the youth and junior level, for inter-provincial level competitions such as the Canada Games
  8. Building triathlon membership
Board of Directors


Jason Cleaversmith | President

We are currently seeking a President to help lead Triathlon PEI. Please contact us if you are interested in serving in this important role.

Ken Mahar | Vice President


Vacant | Treasurer


Vacant | Secretary


Niki McLaughlin | Member at large


Christine Thibaudier-Ness | Member at large


Nancy Ripley | Member at large


Greg Arsenault | Member at large


Kevin Penny | Member at large


Mike Connolly | Executive Director


Maritime Regional Director | Directeur Régional des Maritimes

1.902.393.3464 (Mobile)





TriPEI is currently recruiting volunteers to be trained and serve as officials at sanctioned events. TriPEI also supports the organizers of sanctioned events in recruiting volunteers to assist in hosting their events in a range of categories – course marshals, lifeguards, setup and take down, and many other activities. Many events need volunteers on organizing committees to ensure events can take place. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity.


Our Vision

Soon to come. 

Age Group

Triathlon Prince Edward Island. We can. We will.


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