Age group
PEI’s age group athletes are the heart of Triathlon in our Province.
Is your goal simply to cross the finish line, or do you want to aim as high as you can in the amateur world? Either way, age-groupers are your people. The age-group stream includes athletes of all ages and abilities united in their pursuit of the triathlon lifestyle. Some are first time participants, while others are dedicated athletes who have represented Canada at Age Group championships or participated in Ironmans. By definition, an age-group athlete or para-athlete is an amateur athlete 16 years or older. Age-groupers are categorized according to gender and age bracket (16-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.). At Triathlon PEI, we recognize age-groupers as the beating heart of Triathlon in our province! Get in touch with us to find a club near you.
PriPEI has a point series for age group athletes, complete with an awards event and presentation at the end of the racing season. Points are earned through participation and performance. See more about the race point series here.
Age-Grouper triathletes train, race and pursue their passion with full determination and commitment. These are amazing athletes and they contribute to the heart and soul of every race. Whether you are the age-grouper just trying out the sport for the first time or the Ironman competitor, Triathlon PEI is committed to supporting you in your various multi-sport endeavours! The age group stream includes athletes of all ages and abilities united in their pursuit of the triathlon lifestyle. Some age group athletes will represent Canada at Age Group Championships or participate in Ironmen events, while others will train for their first triathlon.
Triathlon PEI offers provincial standard Triathlon Championship, provincial sprint triathlon championship, and provincial duathlon sprint and standard championships.
1. Sprint Provincial Championship: Spud Isle Triathlon
2. Standard Provincial Championship: TriLobster Triathlon
3. Duathlon Provincial Championships: Brackley Beach Duathlon
4. World Qualifying Events at TriLobster Triathlon
a. Sprint Draft Legal Race
b. Sprint Draft Legal Duathlon
c. Standard Triathlon
d. Aquathon [Swim Bike]
e. Aqualthon [Swim Run]
f. Standard Duathlon
Age-Group Team Canada
The Canadian Age-Group World Championship Teams consist of top performing age-group athletes and para-athletes in Canada who earn a spot at a Qualification Race to represent Canada on the world stage at the International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Championships. Team members have the unique opportunity to proudly represent their country, participate in a unique team environment and celebrate their sport within the global multisport community. The age-group team is one hundred percent self-funded.
Each year, there are two world championship events. Details for the 2018 events are listed below. More information about the 2019 events will be posted as soon as they are available.
Para-triathletes compete in age-group competition according to their classification. If they are not officially classified through the ITU process, para-triathletes can always race locally in a self-identified “Open Paratriathlon”.
How to Qualify
How to Qualify
The Age Group Team Canada Selection process is changing for the 2018 race season, affecting the 2019 World Championship events. 2017 qualification for the 2018 ITU Multisport World Championship in Fyn, Denmark, and 2018 ITU Triathlon World Championship in Gold Coast, Australia will be completed as per the 2017 policy.
As of January 1st, 2018 the new policy will be in place. The vast majority of Team Canada spots will go only to athletes who place within the allocated slots at designated qualifying events. This is in an effort to ensure that our best athletes are representing Canada on the world stage, and that high quality events are offered within Canada to all of our athletes. Athletes who do not qualify, but wish to experience a World Championship event, have the option to register in the Open Categories through the Local Organizing Committees or purchase a limited number of Charity entries. See details below.
There are two ways to join Age Group Team Canada:
1. Qualification at a Designated Qualifying Event
Who Qualifies: Athletes who have earned an automatic qualifier spot at a Triathlon Canada sanctioned qualification event and meet the eligibility criteria listed below. For example, if an event has 3 qualifying spots per age group, the top 3 athletes of each gender with a valid annual provincial and Triathlon Canada membership for each age-adjusted age category are qualifiers (as long as they meet the basic criteria below). Athletes must be a Triathlon Canada Member PRIOR to the qualification event.
How to Register: Registration is available upon verification of automatic qualification. Results will be provided to Triathlon Canada by the Local Organizing Committee through the National Triathlon Registration System. The automatic qualifier will receive an email from Triathlon Canada with a link to complete their World Championship registration.
NOTE: Athletes that automatically qualify will be given the information needed to register as soon as their eligibility is verified. Please allow one month following each race due to the administration time necessary. If you do not receive notification by one month post qualifying event, please contact agegroupteams@nulltriathloncanada.com as the email may not have reached you.
2. Purchase of a Charity Entry (Limited Entries, in Available Age Groups Only)
See the Charity Entry Program section below.
Age Group Team Selection
Eligible athletes/para-athletes wishing to obtain a spot on the ITU Age-Group World Championship team must meet the following criteria. Please note that para-athletes must also fulfill the classification guidelines outlined in the Para-Triathlete Classification section of the website.
Age Group Eligibility Criteria:
This criteria is mandatory for ALL Athletes wishing to join Age Group Team Canada:
- Must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada
- Must be a valid annual member of a Triathlon Provincial Sport Organization and Triathlon Canada
- Must pay the Triathlon Canada Management Fee in order to claim a spot (Note: this is NOT your race entry fee)
Age-Adjusted Results:
Athletes are qualifying for the Age Group World Championships in the following year, so qualification will be determined by age-adjusted results. These are results with birth dates as of December 31st of the following year and NOT race-day results. If an athlete is first in the race-day results, but is bumped to second in the age-adjusted results, that athlete does NOT automatically qualify for a spot if there is only one spot available at the qualifying event.
Registration Period:
To be determined upon confirmation of race dates. All athletes are responsible for knowing the time-frame for application. Athletes are confirmed on Age-Group Team Canada upon completion of registration. Should Triathlon Canada find an error within their registration, athletes will be notified that their spot has been revoked.
Non-Refundable Triathlon Canada Management Fee Policy:
In order to confirm your spot, athletes will pay a non-refundable Triathlon Canada Management Fee. This fee goes toward the administration and management of the team and one social at the event. The cost of race entry fees and uniform fees will be payable at a later date, and exact amounts will be announced once they are determined.
PDF Downloads:
Selection Process – How to Qualify
Selection Process – History & FAQ
Charity Entry Program
Click here for the full 2019 Charity Entry Pilot Program details.
Click here to submit an Expression of Interest in a 2019 Charity Entry.
Please read the full program details BEFORE submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). Available entries will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis from the submitted EOI’s for all athletes who meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the document linked above.
Para-triathlete classification
How to become classified as an age-group para-triathlete:
- Triathlon Canada must initiate the process, on behalf of an athlete, by providing medical documentation and any other records to the ITU Head of Classification, or representative, so that the existence of the Eligible Impairment can be verified.
- Every athlete requiring classification must submit to the ITU, through its National Federation, no later than six (6) weeks prior to the competition, the Physical Impairment (PI) or Vision Impairment (VI) Medical Diagnostics Form and all relevant medical documents.
- Athletes must provide the classification panel with a copy of the ITU Physical Impairment (PI) Medical Diagnostic Form”, completed by their medical doctor, or the “ITU Visual impairment (VI) Medical Diagnostic Form”, completed by an ophthalmologist.
Forms can be found under the following link: http://www.triathlon.org/paratriathlon/documents
Because there will not be any opportunities for classification of multisport athletes in Canada in 2017, this process will be a “Provisional Classification”. You may race with this status at the ITU World Championships in Penticton and Rotterdam.
If you have any questions, please contact agegroupteams@nulltriathloncanada.com. If you’d like to learn more about the Paralympic pathway, visit our Athletes and Teams section.
New to tri or para-tri? Contact us to get involved today!
Fees, accommodations and uniforms
Participating on Age-Group Team Canada is 100% participant paid. As such, athletes should expect the following costs:
Triathlon Canada Management Fee
Team Fees support the year-round administration and management of Age-Group Team Canada. Specifically, the funds support the identification and selection of Triathlon Canada Qualification Events, athlete registration and acceptance, development and coordination of accommodation, travel, uniform design and administration, health and safety of athletes, insurance and bike support. At the race there is a management team that provides daily information updates, video memories, briefings, coached familiarization rides, organized team dinners and “office hours” to help each and every athlete in their race preparation. Finally, it includes a “Meet and Greet”. The meet and greet is organized in a facility where athletes can get to know their teammates over some munchies and a drink. There are often prizes, and they are a whole lot of fun!
Event race fees
Race fees are set by the local organizing committee (LOC). Triathlon Canada only collects the fees and directly transfers them to the LOC. To reduce the risk of currency exchange, fees will be collected in the currency that the LOC requests. Please understand that international events most often charge in US dollars, Euros and in some cases their local currency.
Team Canada hotel
Triathlon Canada recommends accommodation for athletes, their friends and family and will base activities from that location (e.g., team warm-up rides/runs, office hours). Staying at the Team Canada hotel is not mandatory but is recommended for ease of race logistics and social activities. All athletes are welcome to find a travel agency or accommodation that suits their arrangements and needs. There is no obligation to stay at the Team Canada Hotel.
Team Canada uniform
The Team Canada uniform includes a race suit, jacket and t-shirt. Triathlon Canada has removed the need to buy black shorts and or pants; however, these items are still required as part of the team Canada kit. Should you need to purchase black shorts or pants they can be found in the online store.
Qualification events in Canada
Policies and Handbook
ITU Competition Rules (equipment/uniforms)
Wetsuit use
Wetsuit use is governed by the following table:
Should the event be a non-wetsuit swim, uniforms must comply with ITU Uniform rules and cannot be removed during the entire competition, except in the middle and long distance events. That is, in standard and sprint distance triathlons, whatever is worn in the water must be worn throughout the race. Athletes are not able to cover their arms or legs below the knee (no compression gear).
Bike Equipment
Summary of ITU Equipment Guidelines for Draft-Legal Racing
In draft-legal age group events, bikes with the UCI Road Race homologation label (Code RD) are allowed. All bikes in age group draft legal racing must be fitted with standard drop bars only. Clip-on bars are forbidden.
Bike Frame
- The frame of the bike shall be of a traditional pattern, i.e., built around a closed frame of straight or tapered tubular elements (which may be round, oval, flattened, teardrop shaped or otherwise in cross-section)
- Only logos of bicycle-related products may appear on the athlete’s bicycle
- Specific dimensions of the bike frame can be found on page 30 of the ITU Competition Rules
- Wheels shall have at least 12 spokes
- Disc wheels are not allowed.
- Only traditional drop handlebars are permitted
- The handlebars must be plugged;
- Clip-ons are not allowed.
As per the 2018 ITU Competition Rules, disc brakes are permitted.
Helmets must be approved by a national accredited testing authority recognized by an NF affiliated with ITU. Before you purchase any helmet, ensure it has a certification sticker from the CSA, EN, ASTM, CPSC or Snell B90/B95. Do not remove this sticker as this provides the assurance to technical delegates that the bicycle helmet meets certified safety standards.
Age Group Team Canada Survey Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the ITU and what are the ITU World Championships?
A: The International Triathlon Union (ITU) is the world governing body of the sport of triathlon and associated multisport disciplines (e.g., long distance, duathlon, aquathlon, aquabike). Each year the ITU hosts World Championships in Triathlon and Multisport for both elites and age-group athletes at the same venue and time. To participate in the ITU World Championships each athlete must qualify at an event in their country and register through their national federation. It is the responsibility of the national federation to identify athletes for the world championship start list.
Q: Are there other ITU age group races other than the ITU World Championships?
A: The ITU aims to provide the opportunity for competition and sport development from grassroots to the elite level at all their events. The idea of grassroots to elite is unique to the sport of triathlon, where one can witness athletes racing from a wide range of ages. The entire event is a visual spectacle that will inspire and motivate. As such, almost all ITU races host an open age-group component where Canadian athletes can enter. Check http://www.triathlon.org/ for events and the specific event website for more information.
Athlete Profiles
David Perry: 2018 most improved athlete for Triathlon PEI
How many triathlons did you do in 2018?
DP – I competed in 4 TRIs in 2018. TRIPEI Indoor Sprint, Spud Island Sprint, Rev3 St. Andrews 70.3, and Ironman Mont Tremblant 140.6-
What is your favorite race distance?
DP – Overall, I believe my favorite TRI distance is the 70.3
What was your favorite race from 2018 ? What is your all -time favorite race?
DP – My favorite race for 2018 has to be the 140.6 Ironman in Mont Tremblant simply because it was my first full Ironman. My favorite race to date is the Ironman Maine (Old Orchard Beach) 70.3 as the venue and experience was exceptional, and I had some daylight left to celebrate
How did you become a triathlete?
DP – My wife was coaxed into joining a Masters swim club a few years ago, and later challenged to compete in the Brudenell sprint triathlon. I watched her journey and eventually was talked into learning to swim myself. It was the only way I was going to be able to tag along with her to tri-only events although I had started doing duathlons shortly after her first TRI. After a winter of Masters swimming, I tried a TRI and have loved it ever since. The local TRI community is very supportive and helpful in getting newbies into the sport, so I’ve taken every opportunity I could to learn, push myself and meet a great cadre of like-minded people.
What is your favorite post-race meal?
DP – The Mont Tremblant poutine was great but a slice or two of good pizza hits the spot too.
Favorite race nutrition?
DP – On the bike, I have come to use Boost, trail mix, and figs. Training for the 140.6, I ate a ton of fig newton cookies that were great while training but did not sit well during the event so I went back to Boost, trail mix, and PB sandwiches. On the run, I take a small bit of gels but really look for oranges wherever I can get them. In the swim, I consume my share of salt water
What is your favorite thing about triathlon or while at a venue or expo?
DP – Hands down favorite thing about triathloning is the required training routine. I also enjoy the community and friendships made over the years both locally and with folks you meet at events “from away”. The expos are interesting and always highlight new (often expensive) toys to buy but I do not get caught up in that too much.
How do you keep the balance between training and everyday life?
DP – This is easy. My wife trains for triathlons as well, so our balance works for us for the most part. When the realities of life prevail, we put training and competing aside to ensure others in our lives get the attention and support they deserve. I see triathloning as a great activity that gives personal challenge and lots of satisfaction but it is not our whole life.
Who is your favorite triathlete?
DP – Locally there are many triathletes and duathletes who inspire me, at all distances and levels. In the big leagues, I follow Lionel Sanders. It was exciting to be in Mont Tremblant this year as he too competed; I even recognized that green “freshii” jersey on the bike leg
What keeps you motivated?
DP – Motivation comes from many sources including seasoned competitors, inspiring folks who break into the duathlon/triathlon world at all ages and competitive levels, and the personal feeling of accomplishment. In the end however, my motivation is largely driven by a person commitment to not become sedentary (again) and the knowledge that the TRI training is both fun and effective in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Plus, I have learned that you can teach an old dog a new trick
Most memorable triathlon related moment?
DP – At this point, the single biggest moment for me was when I finished the Ironman 140.6 in Mont Tremblant and heard Mike Reilly announce “David Perry…You are an Ironman”; nothing beats that! At the same time, there are many other moments that I have treasured including the first time my wife finished her first triathlon, the feeling of getting my butt off the bike in Mont Tremblant after an unbelievably hard bike leg, and last year, realizing that a great local competitor who always leaves me in their dust within a few kms of the bike leg start didn’t catch me till a km into the run leg. They beat me bad in the 5k run but my cycling confidence has never been greater than that day
Who is your favorite triathlete?
DP – As noted above, Lionel Sanders is a popular add to my social media tracking but my favorite triathlete over all and hands down is Sandra MacKinnon-Perry.
Favorite go-to work out?
DP – Since learning to swim, my favorite thing to do is open water swimming. Our local Masters swim club converts to an open water swim group in the summer months, and I hate to miss any swim sessions; the annual Holman’s island 5k swim is a highlight each year. At the same time, I’ve learned to enjoy long Sunday runs on the hills of Long River PEI with a small group of friends, morning boot camps, and cycling / Netflix sessions. Yoga is a recent addition that my wife has coaxed me into and I gotta say, I’m liking it.
What are your plans for 2019?
DP – I plan to help with the TRI Lobster event organizing and hope to compete in more TRIPEI (& PEI roadrunner) events in 2019, do lots of open water swimming, and complete the Ironman Maine 70.3 again. Several members of our masters group are registered for the IM 70.3 including Sandra and I so it promises to be a great adventure. Additionally, I think I may have caught a trail running bug as I’m considering a 50k trail event in the fall. If they add a swim leg, I’ll register immediately.
Dan McCarthy
Initially, I was a runner, having run for over thirty years before a knee injury resulted in an eight year hiatus from running. My wife, Carol Ann, suggested we get bikes and within a year I was into serious biking. When I was able to return to running, I was quite excited and thankful. Four years after my return to running, I thought I would try the Brackley Duathlon since I enjoyed both running and cycling. Each year since then, I have participated in more sprint duathlons.
In 2018, I participated in six sprint duathlons. My favourite local duathlon is the TriLobster. The first year of the event, Jennifer Kelly and I were a team with her swimming, and me cycling and running. Since then I have competed in the sprint duathlon in Summerside. When I first qualified for the world championships, I had no idea what it entailed, but I thought since I qualified, I might as well take advantage of the opportunity and go. The 2017 World Multisport Championships in Penticton was an exciting experience for me and fellow Islanders Kim Landry and Kevin Farrell.
My goal was to finish the event in a respectable time but, with the mountainous terrain for the cycling leg, I was cautious, especially on the steep downhills. Finishing seventh in my age group was beyond my wildest dream… I was very pleased with the results.
Nutrition is quite important and requires a bit more planning on my part since I have Celiac disease. When traveling, I always ensure I have gluten free snacks with me. The night before a duathlon, I like to have pasta. The morning of the event, I usually have toast, peanut butter, and bananas, with lots of coffee. After the event, I enjoy the usual healthy snacks and then a nice dinner later.
My father had a heart condition that required two triple bypass surgeries. Because of Dad’s history, I always thought it was important to stay fit. My philosophy has always been, “it’s easier to stay in shape than to get in shape”. Having a goal, such as an upcoming race, always motivates me to get out and train.
I don’t follow the professional triathletes. The triathletes that I admire are the people like Scott Clark, Dave Clark, Steve Reeves, Dave Perry, Mike MacKinnon, Lori Pridham, and Nancy Ripley who have the dedication to participate in triathlons and Ironmen competitions.
The training regime that seems to help me the most is brick training: cycling, followed by a short run. To prepare for the world championships, I follow a twelve week training program that mixes the duration and intensity of my training and this helps a lot as well.
In 2019, my goal is to do well in the world championships in Pontevedra, Spain and to compete in many local duathlons and road races.
Triathlon Prince Edward Island. We can. We will.