National Coaching Certification Program


TriCanada launches National Coaching Certification Program

VICTORIA—Triathlon Canada is kicking off National Coaches Week with the launch of a newly-updated National Coaching Certification Program designed to strengthen and grow the Canadian triathlon community, while creating a safer and more protective training environment for all.

Triathlon Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada have partnered to deliver mandatory certification training at the highest standard in the sport for both age group (Community) and high-performance (Competitive) pathways. The program has three core goals:

  • Register and develop well-trained and certified coaches who teach athletes consistent fundamentals of the sport;
  • create a safe training and competitive environment for all involved in triathlon in Canada;
  • educate more triathlon coaches in Canada to develop athletes and help them reach their goals.

“We have a lot of great coaches in the triathlon community who are valuable resources to our athletes so we believe it to be critical to invest in professional development for all of them in Canada to ensure the long-term growth of our program,” said Kim Van Bruggen, chief executive officer, Triathlon Canada.  “Regardless of where your start line is in triathlon – be it in pursuit of an Olympic or Paralympic dream, or at the local grassroots events testing your limits – it is our belief that every athlete deserves consistent instruction from a great coach in a safe, healthy environment. We are committed to providing every coach access to the knowledge, skills and tools needed to create that environment.”

With a goal of raising the skills, stature and connectivity of triathlon coaches in Canada, the National Coaching Certification Program was created to provide positive coaching education and practices amongst Canada’s triathlon coaching community through mentorship, education, training and certification.

“Community coaches are key to the success of Triathlon Canada’s coaching program. These coaches have the first contact with all athletes who enter the sport and are responsible for building a solid foundation for the athlete’s experience in triathlon throughout Canada,” said Van Bruggen, who added it is important for athletes and parents of young athletes to look for, and work with coaches who are NCCP trained and certified.

The starting point for all coaches to be certified is to register in Triathlon Canada’s National Triathlon Registration System (NTRS) which will open November 1.

“From leadership to sport science to administrative duties, the responsibilities of coaches extend far beyond teaching skills required for an athlete to achieve their best in the water, on the bike or during the run,” said Lucy Smith, coaching program coordinator, Triathlon Canada, who added a grandfathering program is also in place to recognize certified coaches under the original program created in 2008. “Certified coaches in both pathways serve as positive role models who ensure a positive experience while enhancing the well-being of athletes through effective training practices and also making consistent ethical decisions.”

For complete information on Triathlon Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program, please visit


Triathlon Canada is the governing body of the sport in the country. Triathlon Canada’s more than 22,000 members include athletes, coaches and officials from the grassroots to elite levels. With the support of its valued corporate partners – 94 FORWARD, 2XU Canada, Training Peaks, Zizu Optics, Subaru Canada– along with the City of Victoria, Government of Canada, Canadian Olympic Committee, Canadian Paralympic Committee, and Own the Podium, Triathlon Canada develops Olympic, Paralympic and World Champions in all race disciplines. For more information on Triathlon Canada, please visit us at

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