Triathlon PEI Looking for Canada Games Head Coach Applications

  Canada Games Coaching opportunity

Triathlon PEI is looking for an enthusiastic volunteer coach to take on
the role of head coach for the 2021 Canada Summer Games Team. A
full team would consist of 3 male and 3 female athletes, head coach
and team manager. The head coach is responsible for overseeing
athlete development, working with a training team in the years leading
up to CG, coordinating with team manager and travelling with the team
to the Canada Games in Niagara Region, Ontario during the summer
of 2021.

 Prior Triathlon coaching experience is an asset
 Proof of Criminal Record check is required
 A Minimum standard of triathlon coaching certification, set out in
the triathlon technical package, will be required by a specific date in
advance of the games
 Funds will be available to help support the team and ensure coach
 A minimum age of 18 is required.

Please submit a letter of application outlining experience, coaching
certification and why you would be the ideal candidate for this position.
Applications must be submitted electronically to by April 8th, 2019.

Triathlon Prince Edward Island. We can. We will.


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